How much does a house survey cost?


This question can usually throw up some confusion as there are different surveys for different purposes, and often undertaken by different types of surveyors too. So let’s clear this up first before answering: how much does a house survey cost?   Types of survey   If you’re buying a house During the house buying process, it’s… Read more »

Kitchen Design Ideas by DfM


Kitchen design ideas

Get some kitchen inspiration from our designers… Planning a new kitchen? You could just get a few supplier brochures and say “I want that one!”. Fine, if you want un-inspiring, run-of-the mill jobbie. But, like most things worthwhile, planning your perfect kitchen takes time, consideration and a little bit of inspiration (which is where we can help!) Function… Read more »

What to Look for When Hiring an Architect


what to look for in an architect

What to look for when hiring an architect Hiring an architect is a crucial step when embarking on a construction or renovation project. Choosing the right architect can significantly impact the success and outcome of your project. We’ve put together a list of top ten considerations when hiring an architect.   Extension pictured above is… Read more »