Victoria studied at the University of Bath and The Mackintosh School of Architecture, part of the Glasgow School of Art, and gained her professional qualification at The Bartlett in London. She worked for International World Leading Design consultancy FITCH, and strategic brand consultancy 20/20 before setting own her studio with her partner Ben. From London to the South Coast of Devon, we've designed comfortable and livable homes for families of all shapes and sizes. Our emphasis is always on the creation of seamless harmony between the functionality of space and it's relationship to natural light.
Loft conversions, Kitchens, Sustainable design, Joinery design, Extensions, Planning applications, Re-planning / Internal alterations, New builds, Accessible design
Level of experience
5+ years experience
Registered architect
Haringey, London
Distance preference
5 miles
Company type:
Preferred project Budget
£180,000 - £500,000+